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6/13/2011 12:54:10 pm

Hi Sam, I love this site you put together!!! I have been in here reading it and viewing your pictures for an hour (keeping Mike and his cousin up!) anyway, I am so glad you are having a great time. I envy you for traveling... I could never do it, unless it is to a resort by the ocean! Guess I am not so adventerous in my old age... but I can drive downtown Chicago without any problem. Well, better sign off, but I was so glad to see this and hear you are having a wonderful time. I would love to climb at the City of Gods! Have a great rest of the trip and I'll see you at the airport!
lots of love, Jeanne

6/13/2011 10:04:59 pm

Great job Sam! Will you be adding more tabs as your adventures lead on? Looks like you put a lot of time recording your adventures. It’s so great that you are experiencing life to the fullest extent. Your mother and I are so proud of you. There was a story on the motorcycle class available thru ISU that you teach last night promoting it. Love, Dad

Ray Zarvell
6/14/2011 03:33:23 am

Sam, you're amazing. What an incredible website. I'm a pyramid "freak" and those pics and story made me want to be there so badly.

I can't fathom the experience, fun, and learning you're having. Good for you man.


Kim Dunn
6/14/2011 04:18:51 am

I love this!!! Thank you for sharing. I'm looking forward to your updates. Enjoy, have fun and be safe.


Aunt Sue : )
6/15/2011 09:11:17 am

Fabulous website! I definitely get that feeling you quoted on your main page just looking through your web site! I'm so glad you're having this experience! Just one question...what is the name of the church/ cathedral in Mexico City? The stained glass is amazing! Stay safe!

Sam Smith
6/15/2011 10:25:02 am

It is called the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary of Mexico City. It is actually the largest and oldest church in the Americas!!! It is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico. I updated that page recently with information on my trip. The cathedral was the most amazing church I have been to boasting a ridiculous amount of 24 karat gold on almost every chapel! Wikipedia seems to have the most information about this church and the pictures really show how big and amazing the cathedral really is.

Aunt Patti
6/15/2011 12:07:49 pm

Love it! Looks like you are having the time of your life! Good for you! And thanks for making me hungry for real mexican food and a margaritta.

6/19/2011 11:09:43 am

Hey Sam
I love this web site you created. I think you are having a better time at summer school than your cousin David. Your pictures are great. I'm know that you are having a great time. Are you speaking fluent Spanish? Can't wait to see you in Wisconsin. Be safe. Love Aunt Nancy

6/24/2011 01:05:32 am

Hi Sam, Every evening and some mornings I spend looking at your amazing websites! Just read about Tolantonga on the internet and anxious to read your updates. Wish I could have been hiking with you!! Did you see any wild animals? Know the flowers, vegetation must be beautiful! Every place you have been is so different, not sure which I've enjoyed more. Take care!

Love you, Grandma

Samuel Smith
6/24/2011 10:30:24 am

Thanks Grandma! The wildlife in Tolantongo wasn't that crazy because, believe it or not, it is in the middle of the desert!! I saw a couple lizards, birds, and fish but besides that not much. I want to take a trip down to Chiapas sometime and I am sure I will see PLENTY of wild life then.

7/6/2011 02:00:14 pm

Just wishing you a safe trip home, Sam!
We've enjoyed your trip through your website and now can't wait to see you!! We'll miss being Up North but have a wonderful, relaxing time. See you soon!!

Love, Grandma and Grandpa


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